Gauge your Website's Effectiveness Easily with ResAvenue
June 12, 2011
A hotel website is its main sales engine online, which is ‘why’ it is essential for every effective hotelier to know how his or her website is performing.
You need to know ‘whether your website attracts a steady stream of visitors. How many visitors click to book? How many bookers complete the reservation process? and more’. The answers to these questions can help you gauge whether or not your online sales engine is performing at par or below par.
Typically, to gathering such intelligence is difficult and consuming. You have to scan through hundreds or even thousands of documents manually to locate information or pay someone else to find the information and compile the reports for you.
Not Anymore!
As a ResAvenue affiliated hotel, your ResAvenue backend (M.A.R.S.) is pre-armed to collect and compile such information. Within your account, you have a comprehensive reporting feature, wherein you can compile an array of reports at a click of a button. Two such reports are the Traffic Report and the Revenue Report.
The Traffic Report will show you how many times availability has been checked at your hotel, the total number of reservations submitted as well as the country of origin of the availability check. You can also generate traffic reports using search criteria such as month and reservation status.
 The Revenue Report provides you with a monthly / yearly summary of room nights booked as well as the total revenue generated, which you can take a print out of on a monthly / yearly basis.
Using the information within these two reports, you will be able to gauge the effectiveness or your hotel website and will be able to informed strategy decisions on how to market your property better and achieve better results.
June 12, 2011
A hotel website is its main sales engine online, which is ‘why’ it is essential for every effective hotelier to know how his or her website is performing.
You need to know ‘whether your website attracts a steady stream of visitors. How many visitors click to book? How many bookers complete the reservation process? and more’. The answers to these questions can help you gauge whether or not your online sales engine is performing at par or below par.
Typically, to gathering such intelligence is difficult and consuming. You have to scan through hundreds or even thousands of documents manually to locate information or pay someone else to find the information and compile the reports for you.
Not Anymore!
As a ResAvenue affiliated hotel, your ResAvenue backend (M.A.R.S.) is pre-armed to collect and compile such information. Within your account, you have a comprehensive reporting feature, wherein you can compile an array of reports at a click of a button. Two such reports are the Traffic Report and the Revenue Report.

 The Revenue Report provides you with a monthly / yearly summary of room nights booked as well as the total revenue generated, which you can take a print out of on a monthly / yearly basis.
Using the information within these two reports, you will be able to gauge the effectiveness or your hotel website and will be able to informed strategy decisions on how to market your property better and achieve better results.