June 22, 2009 - Mumbai.
India is the world's most diverse country culturally, regionally, religiously and linguistically. It also differs on the basis of technology. Big metropolitan cities have the latest in technology while small towns are technologically backward. However, both big cities and small towns have some technology in common such as radio, tv and telephones. In India, there are more than 375 million cell phone users and 40 million plus landline users. Therefore, as an hotelier, seeking to capture a larger share of the Indian travel market, one of the most effective ways to communicate and market to potential guests is via the telephone.
If you are already taking advantage of this huge marketing opportunity, you are aware that the main hiccup in the sales process is 'Payment Collection'. In these times of high awareness of credit card frauds, your guests are naturally reluctant to reveal their confidential credit card details to an unknown telesales executive. This suspicion prevents them from confirming their reservation with a credit card confirmation. Moreover, even if they reveal their card details, you run the risk of having one of your employees misuse the guests’ card details, which can cause permanent damage to your hotel brand.
ResAvenue has launched a new value addition ‘ResAvenue PhonePay’ that will change the face of telephonic marketing. This solution will help you adds new markets to your business, maximize your hotel sales and protect you from fraudsters.
ResAvenue® PhonePay is a new secure telephone based solution that will give your guests the power of making credit card payments over the telephone securely. With ResAvenue® PhonePay, your telesales executive can simply close a sale over the phone, generate a booking ID and securely collect payments against that ID through an automated voice prompt driven IVR (Interactive Voice Response) System. The guest enters the confidential details related to the payment (such as card number, Expiry Date, CVV number etc.) through the telephone’s keypad and instantly completes the booking process. The sensitive card information is inputted directly into the secure system without exposure to the third party. Hence, even your telesales executive managing the sale will not be privy to the credit card details.
Here are some of the benefits of using the ResAvenue® PhonePay Solution:
- 24x7 Operations
- Real-Time Credit Card / ITZ Cash Cards Processing
- Biggest Bouquet of Credit Cards / Cash Card processed
- Real-Time Web Reporting and Statistics via Web Interface
- 100% PCI Compliant Credit Card Processing for maximum security
- In-Built Risk Management Engine to mitigate frauds and avoid chargeback related losses
- Your ResAvenue account works for both your website as well as phone sales.
ResAvenue® PhonePay will free your staff from routine payment processing calls; increase overall customer service productivity for more pressing issues and give your guests total confidence in paying you through a secure system rather than giving out the card number to your telesales executives on phone.
To learn more about how ResAvenue PhonePay will increase your profitability, click here. To avail this service, please email the ResAvenue team at contact@resavenue.com with the subject line "Interested in ResAvenue® PhonePay Solution".